Why Do Eyelashes Go Down?

Mascara can only do so much, and eventually gravity takes its toll. But what causes this natural aging process, and is there anything that can be done to prevent it? Read on to find out.

What causes eyelashes to droop?

Eyelashes tend to droop as a result of the loss of collagen and elastin in the skin. Younger people have higher levels of these proteins, which allow for greater elasticity in the skin surrounding the eye area.

As we age, production of collagen and elastin declines, leading to eyelashes to droop. In addition, this process is exacerbated by sun damage from unprotected exposure to UV rays over time.

All that said, there are things that can be done to slow down the rate of decline.

  • Regularly using a collagen-rich eye cream (like this one here) or collagen eye masks (like this one) is one way to help maintain elasticity in this area.
  • Wearing sunglasses that provide UV protection is also important, as that will help mitigate damage to the fragile skin around your eyes.
  • Spending time in the sun without sunglasses can also accelerate sagging, so be sure to wear some protection.

What can be done about droopy eyelashes?

If you’ve tried everything and feel your eyelashes are beyond saving, consider eyelash extensions. These will give you back the length, volume and curl that your natural lashes have lost in time.

why do my eyelashes go down

It’s important to note that there is a downside to this approach; lash extensions require regular maintenance every three to six weeks, so you’ll have to factor in the cost of upkeep somewhere.

Unfortunately, eyelash extensions are not a long-term solution, as they can cause damage to natural lashes.

If you want to avoid this and keep your lashes intact, consider eyelash extensions as a way of improving the appearance of your lashes while they grow out.

These are small pieces of synthetic hair that are glued onto your lashes to create the illusion of fuller, thicker lashes. Once you’ve allowed your natural lashes to grow back in, you can remove your fake lashes.

Why do my eyelashes grow downwards?

The upper eyelashes on the upper eyelid typically grow upward toward the forehead, picking up debris and protecting the eye. However, for one to three percent of the population, their upper eyelashes visibly grow downward.

This is due to a thinning of the hair follicle as we age; those who experience downward-growing lashes typically have hair follicles that are very thin and flat.

The good news is that this condition has no effect on your eyes or vision, and generally doesn’t require treatment other than an awareness of it.

As previously mentioned, this condition is genetic and not something you can control. If your lashes are visibly growing downwards, there’s not much that can be done to change that.

However, if it’s just a general case of downward-facing lashes, you might want to try using Latisse, a prescription medication that helps lashes grow longer. Latisse is applied to the base of your upper eyelashes at nighttime.

If after four months you don’t notice any improvement in lash length, talk to your doctor about other options available to you.

How do you tame unruly eyelashes?

Unruly eyelashes are difficult to manage since they’re constantly brushing against your glasses and eyelids. There are a few ways you can go about taming them, however.

If the lashes in question are your upper lashes, consider using an eyelash curler (like this heated version) before applying mascara. Curling lashes beforehand will not only give them more curl when you apply the product, but it will also help you get a better grasp of lashes when applying mascara.

This way, the lashes will stay curled and won’t interfere with your eye makeup.

If you’re dealing with stubborn lower lashes, use a Q-Tip with some oil on its end to separate them from each other, or try using a lash comb to get rid of excess mascara.

Using a lash curler is not recommended for lower lashes, as the curl could end up dragging your lashes down further, making them appear even longer than they would without product on them at all.

If you’re trying to separate lashes that are glued together due to mascara or extensions, try using a bit of oil around the lashes to loosen up the product.

  • Remember not to tug on or pull at your lashes, however, as this could damage them.
  • Be sure to moisturize with an eye cream before applying makeup so they come out looking smooth and healthy

What is eyelash ptosis?

Eyelash ptosis is a condition in which one’s upper eyelashes either partially or completely project in a downward direction.

It can be caused by accidents, trauma, or the use of certain eyelash products that contain harsh chemicals. It can also be caused by having extremely flat eyelid creases, which can push the lashes down to create a droopy appearance.

In most cases, it occurs in both eyes and is a temporary condition that goes away on its own once the condition causing it is eliminated or corrected. If your lashes are noticeably hanging over your eyes when you’re not smiling, the best course of action would be to schedule an appointment with your doctor.

Though eyelash ptosis is not a result of aging, it can make you look older due to the fact that upper lashes are meant to come out and provide protection against dirt and debris (since they face upwards). However, if eyelash ptosis is coupled with other signs of aging, such as drooping skin, wrinkles, and sagging brows, it can make one look older than they really are.

If you’re experiencing eyelash ptosis as a result of temporary causes such as cleansing or an allergic reaction to products that contain harsh chemicals, then discontinuing their use should cause your lashes to return to their normal position.

Just remember that though eyelash ptosis may make you look older, it does not affect your eyesight. Furthermore, its appearance can be reduced by using a lash curler and well-placed mascara.

Final Thoughts

Your eyelashes are pointed straight up because it’s the way your hair grows. If you find they go down, you can often correct this issue by curling your lashes before applying mascara.

Additionally, some people are genetically more likely to have downward-pointing lashes. If your lashes point down, don’t worry about it too much since they won’t affect your eyesight.