Ivory Skin Tone (What You Should Know)

It’s no secret that different skin tones are beautiful in their own unique ways. But did you know that there is a skin tone called ivory? People with ivory skin often have light hair and blue or green eyes.

Ivory is considered a light skin tone. It has a yellow undertone and is the lightest shade in the foundation color spectrum. Many people with ivory skin have a fair complexion and freckles. They may also have lighter hair colors, such as blonde or light brown.

Ivory skin is coveted by many because it is considered to be very rare. In fact, only about 2% of the world’s population has ivory skin.

If you are one of the lucky few with ivory skin, be sure to use sunscreen when outdoors and avoid sun exposure during peak hours.

Ivory skin has a cool undertone, which means it has a bluish hue to it.

It is often associated with porcelain dolls and fairytale princesses, and for good reason – ivory skin can be incredibly fair and delicate-looking.

Is Ivory a Warm or Cool Color?

The color of ivory is often described as a cool hue. However, this may be due to the fact that it typically has white undertones which are traditionally seen as cool colors.

If you look at the color wheel, you will see that there are other colors in between white and black, so it would make sense for an off-white hue like ivory to have some warm tones in it as well. 

Ivory Skin Tone

To some people, ivory represents feelings of warmth and calmness while others may associate it with cool colors like blue or green due to its neutral tone.

So, is ivory a warm or cool color? The answer is that it can be seen as both depending on the person’s perspective

Ivory is the lightest shade in the foundation color spectrum. It is often described as a cool hue, but it has warm tones in it too.

What are Some Popular Ivory Makeup Colors?

Since ivory has a yellow undertone, many makeup colors that pair well with it will have either a pink or peach hue to them.

Many makeup colors look good with ivory skin, including nude lipsticks, peach blushes, apricot eyeshadows, and champagne highlighters. So if you have ivory skin, experiment with different shades and see which ones make you look your best.

Some popular ivory makeup colors include:

  • Nude lipstick shades
  • Peach blushes
  • Apricot eyeshadows
  • Champagne highlighters

Ivory skin tones are often desired due to how rare it is and the fact that they can look good with many different types of makeup colors. If you have ivory skin, experiment with different shades and see which ones make you look your best.

You may be surprised at how many beautiful options there are!

Which shade is lighter ivory or porcelain?

Most people don’t know the difference between ivory and porcelain skin color shades, although it can be an important distinction when choosing the right foundation.

Porcelain is a lighter shade than ivory, but both are cool undertones that work well for fair complexions. Ivory has more yellow in its pigmentation, whereas porcelain has white as its base pigment.

Either one can be described as pale or light-medium skin tones.

The best way to tell which shade you may be is to hold up one finger next to the part of your neck that is always exposed. If your fingertip is paler than your neck, then your skin tone is porcelain.

However, if you didn’t notice much of a difference or your fingertip and neck are about the same color, ivory would likely be your skin tone.

Armed with this knowledge, it should be relatively easy for you to find the right shade of foundation without too much hassle.

Why do people have different skin tones?

People have different skin tones because of their genetic makeup. The amount of melanin in someone’s skin determines its color – which can range from very light shades like ivory to deep, dark browns.

People with more melanin tend to have darker skin tones, while those with less melanin have lighter skin tones.

There are a number of other factors that can also affect someone’s skin tone, such as genetics, the climate they live in, how much sun they get, and their ethnic background.

Ivory Skin Tone

The Fitzpatrick Skin Type Test is a good way to help you determine your level of sensitivity to the sun and what type of sunscreen you should be using.

Another way is to look at the color of your veins. If they look more green than blue, you probably have olive undertones and if they look more blue than green, then you probably have pink or ashy skin tones.

What undertone is fair ivory?

Knowing your undertone is important because it can help you determine the best type of foundation for your skin type.

Fair ivory can be described as a cool undertone with a yellow base. If you have fair ivory skin, you will likely need a foundation that is light with pink or blue undertones to counteract the yellow.

Many brands have foundations that cater to those with ivory skin tones, but it’s important to find the right one for you since they can vary in color and undertone.

What undertone is classic ivory?

Classic Ivory is more warm-toned than a fair ivory skin tone (yellow-ish undertone). If you have classic ivory skin, you’ll want to find a foundation with a warm undertone to match your skin.

Ivory Skin Tone

There are many brands that carry foundations for those with classic ivory skin tones, but it’s important to find the right one for you since they can vary in color and undertone.

Classic Ivory is a shade darker than Ivory, with a more golden yellow base. The classic ivory is the next color to ivory on the color wheel.

What undertone is true ivory?

A true ivory skin tone has a lot of yellow in its base. If you have true ivory skin, your undertones are probably warmer than neutral with yellow being the dominant shade

This means that you will want to wear foundations with blue or pink undertones to counteract the yellow, otherwise your foundation will likely look too orange on your face even if it’s the right shade.

Truly Ivory is lighter than classic ivory (has more green in its base), but still keeps some warmth (yellow) in it like traditional Ivory skins tones do – which keeps olive skin tones close by for reference.

Final Thoughts

By knowing what undertone your skin has, you can more easily find the right shade of foundation. It’s important to find the right shade for you because not only does it affect how well your foundation covers, but it also affects your skin’s health.

If you have any discoloration or scarring on your face, foundations with pink or blue undertones are better at hiding these imperfections because they are more likely to counteract them. If you have yellow undertones, then foundations with orange hues will be able to hide your blemishes better.

Although fair ivory and porcelain skin tones aren’t the same, they both need lightweight coverage that is light enough for their skin tones. Ivory skin tone matches a Light/Medium skin tone with a Neutral/Pink undertone.

The final result of your makeup often depends on the color of your foundation, which is why it’s important to find one that matches your skin tone perfectly.